Wednesday 9 May 2018

Six Ways to Fight Hemorrhoids

The following are the six best ways to fight hemorrhoids:

1.       Eat Fibrous Food- Hemorrhoids occur when a person complains of infrequent bowel movement. One of the most natural ways to regularize bowel movements is to include 25 to 30 grams of fiber in every day's diet and supplements. According to an expert doctor, a fibrous diet is a universal recommendation by doctors and gastroenterologists to those suffering from hemorrhoids. Though it may increase gas, however, it's a little compensation to solve the big problem. Foods that include fiber include legumes, whole grains, vegetables like green peas, broccoli, etc. and fruits like pears, apples, and bananas.

2.       Drink Plenty Water- In addition to eating a fibrous diet, it is crucial to keep the body hydrated by drinking adequate water. It helps in preventing constipation and having healthy bowel movements. Drinking six to eight glasses of water every day not only helps the smooth functioning of digestive system but also benefits the entire body.

3.       Exercise Everyday- According to a recommendation by an expert doctor, exercise regularises colon and hence, if practiced everyday exercise prevents hemorrhoids. Such patients need to stay active and reduce time spent in putting pressure on veins in the lower rectum. Also, one should keep away from heavy lifting or other strenuous activities as these are the potential causes of causing hemorrhoids.

4.       Choose Laxatives Carefully- Experts suggest that not all laxatives are good to consume when you are suffering from hemorrhoids because some laxatives stimulate intestinal contraction to move the stool along. However, it causes pressure in hemorrhoids and can worsen the situation. It is advised to take prescribed osmotic laxatives because these substances increase the amount of water in the gut and reduce constipation. Stay away from laxatives that simulate normal physiological activities.

5.       Don't Fight the Urge- when you feel the pressure, you have to go, and it is one of the simplest ways to cure hemorrhoids. An expert doctor once quoted, "Ignoring Mother Nature has its risks and hemorrhoids are one of them." 

6.       Avoid Straining- A person will suffer painful and bleeding hemorrhoids if he/she puts pressure on the veins in the rectum. It usually happens when people find it difficult for the stools to pass. One should also avoid straining because it indirectly strains the bowels and causes pain in hemorrhoids.  A person is straining if he/she is lifting heaving objects, has a chronic cough or if she is pregnant.

Hemorrhoids Treatment in San Antonio

If you are suffering from hemorrhoids and looking to connect with an expert doctor who can relieve your pain, then connect with the experienced doctors of Gonzaba Urgent Care. For more details book an appointment now!

Tuesday 8 May 2018

FAQs on Liposuction

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is an aesthetic treatment which aims at the removal of fat cells to alter the shape of the body. This approach eliminates the unwanted fat pockets from specific part(s) of the body, but, is neither a weight loss method nor a treatment for obesity. The amount of fat cells that can be removed through this treatment is limited. It is imperative for the candidate to follow healthy lifestyle after the procedure; else otherwise it may cause the remaining fat cells to grow bigger.

Which body parts can be treated with liposuction?

·         Buttocks
·         Hips
·         Chest
·         Abdomen
·         Back
·         Hips
·         Inner knees
·         Love Handles
·         Upper arms
·         Thighs (outer thighs and inner thighs)
·         Neckline
·         The area under the chin
What is the need of liposuction?

Liposuction is an aesthetic procedure and is not a medical necessity. Doctors suggest this treatment only when adoption of a healthy lifestyle is not able to achieve desired results. This treatment is necessarily carried out in a specific area of the body where fat cells are abundant and growing.

What precautions are required before the liposuction procedure?

·         Women should stop taking the contraceptive pill.
·         The candidate should stop taking regular aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs at least two weeks before the procedure.
·         If the patient is anemic, then he/she may be suggested iron supplements.

What are the types of liposuction technique?

·         Tumescent Liposuction- It involves pumping of saline solution with local anesthesia (lidocaine) and vessel-constrictor (epinephrine) below the skin area which is to be suctioned. Through suction tubes, the fat is sucked out, and tight skin is left behind. It is considered as the most popular form of liposuction.

·         Dry Liposuction- It is an old method of liposuction which is not used nowadays. This procedure did not use any fluid before sucking out the fat, and due to this, there was a high risk of bruising and bleeding.

·         Ultrasound-assisted Liposuction (UAL)- The cannula used in this procedure is energized with ultrasound which makes it easier for the fat to melt down. The vibrations produced by ultrasound waves break the walls of fat cells and makes it easier to suction out the emulsified fat. This method is most suitable for areas like back, male breasts and the areas which have been treated with liposuction before.

·         Power-assisted Liposuction (PAS)- In this method the cannula operated under a mechanical system which moves back and forth rapidly, thus, allowing the fat to be pulled more easily.

·         Laser-assisted Lipolysis (LAL)- It uses tumescent fluid for removing fat and is one of the least invasive methods of liposuction.

Liposuction San Antonio

For liposuction in San Antonio specials connect with Dr. Suresh Koneru. He is the former president of San Antonio International Society of Plastic Surgeons and holds over 18 years of experience. For more queries, book an appointment now!

Thursday 19 April 2018

Six Tips to Avoid Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Are you suffering from heartburn and other symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)? Experts believe that unlike other medical conditions, the symptoms of GERD are entirely preventable. If you do not take necessary steps on time, then the reflux of stomach acid can damage the esophageal lining, and in more worse cases it can lead to throat cancer. You can prevent it from growing just with simple lifestyle changes. The changes in lifestyle differ from person to person, for instance, drinking a cup of coffee can be fine for one patient while for others it can be symptomatic.

The following are the top ways to avoid GERD from happening:

1.       Lose Weight- Dr. Vaezi says, obesity is the leading cause of obesity. It is because the extra body fat pressurizes the abdomen which in turn leads to reversal of gastric juices into the esophagus. If you are overweight/obese, then lose weight and if you are in normal weight slab, then try not to gain weight.

2.       Avoid Reflux Causing Foods- If you are at risk of acid reflux disease, then avoid:
a.       Fatty foods
b.       Chocolates
c.       Mint
d.       Spicy foods
e.       Onions
f.        Coffee or any caffeinated beverage
g.       Acidic foods like tomatoes
h.       Carbonated drinks

3.       Eat Small Meals- Eat less in this case because a heavy stomach pressurizes the LES causing the reflux and GERD to develop.

4.       Don't Lie Down After Eating- Experts suggest that we should lie down only after three hours of a meal because gravity helps acid reflux from developing. When you lie just after the meal, you put gravity out of the equation, and you form a way for the stomach acid to flow into the esophagus.

5.       Elevate Your Bed- If you raise your bed six to eight inches above the normal level, then gravity will help you to keep gastric acid down in the stomach. Don't use extra pillows to raise your head up because it won't pay the advantage you are striving for.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

If you are looking for acid reflux treatment in San Antonio, then the experienced doctors of Digestive and Liver Disease Center of San Antonio PLLC can help. Their doctors are proficient in diagnosing and treating liver and digestive diseases with the most advanced methods available. For more details book an appointment now!