Wednesday 10 October 2018

Newborn Baby Needs Checklist Every Mommy Should Know!

Have you just welcomed your Bundle of joy in your life? Confused with what to do and what not to? Baby is the most the precious gift for every mother and as such, they are more conscious about everything for their baby’s wellbeing. At this situation the checklist will help you a lot for sorting the things well.
We are sharing with you the list of Newborn Baby Products for your ease.

1.      Baby Clothes 
For everyday wears choose comfortable clothes. Look for Soft, Warm and durable clothing that allows your baby to move freely. Also keep in mind to use a gentle detergent to prevent the irritation of skin.
Here are the basics list of clothes that your baby may need –
1.      Bodysuits and shirts
2.      Stretchy pants
3.      Onesies
4.      Sweaters
5.      Socks and Boots
6.      Hats and Mittens

2.      Diapers 
Make Sure your little one’s bum stay clean and dry, whether you use cloth or disposable ones. If you are planning to use disposables, choose wisely so that it would not irritate the skin and leave diaper rashes behind. Babies may need more than 300 - 320 changes in the first month so you need to choose accordingly.

3.      Wipes 
You will need baby wipes to help clean up the mess, opt for the wipes that are chemical-free and flushable. If your baby is having the sensitive skin, then look for unscented wipes, as the fragrance and preservative can trigger an allergic reaction.

4.      Bedding 
There are plenty of fancy bedding sets in baby stores, but while choosing the bed, do opt for cribs sheets and waterproof mattress pad. List will also include the wearable blankets, swaddling blankets, soft pillows, quilts etc. Choose the comfy bed for you little one.

 These are some of the tips that will help you out to sort out the chaotic situation when you have to take care of a newborn.

Tuesday 9 October 2018

6 Hair Removal Dos & Don’ts You Need to Follow!

If you want a painless, soft and smooth hair removal, you are not alone. Women from all over the world want to get eliminate hair and they try all the methods that are out there for this purpose. But sometimes, the results are not as satisfactory as they want. The reason for this can be many. To be on the safe side of things, here are some hair removal do’s and don’ts that you need to follow:

·         Don’t Over Moisturize While Waxing – Moisturizing is essential for waxing. But it can wait when you are waxing. This is because this method of hair removal works best for dry skin. Hence, make it a point to avoid any hydrating lotions at least a day before the parlor appointment.

·         Let the Hair Grow out For Waxing – Your hair needs to be about ¼ inches long if you need to wax it properly. Are you used to shaving the hair? Give it a break for at least a few days before the waxing appointment. This will help the people at the salon to do a good job.

·         It’s Never About the Direction in Which You Shave – Nowadays you get razors that are made using the latest technology. This way, you can shave in any preferred direction. There is no set rule for it, except for the armpits as the hair grows back in different angles.
·         Don’t Soak Too Long in the Shower – When your skin is over-soaked in water and is almost about to get creases, it can tend to get more cuts and uneven shave. Hence, try and avoid soaking for too long when you take a shower. Moreover, you need to use a shaving foam as it will give you the satiny-smooth finish, which you want.

·         Don’t Forget to Change the Blades Often – It is important to store the razors in a dry area as it can lead to bacterial growth and rusting, which is not good for the skin. Ideally, the blades should be changed after every 2-3 uses!

·         Baby Oil Works Best – In any type of hair removal method, be it waxing, shaving or threading, the skin needs to be pampered. Using baby oil can help in direction as it makes the skin nourished, soft and supple.

These are some of the do’s and don’t of hair removal. For the best laser hair removal in Qatar, search and book and appointment with the best clinic and you’ll not have to worry about all the fuss that is required to remove the hair!!

Friday 28 September 2018

How to Find a Primary Care Physician Near Me?

Do you want to locate a primary care physician near you? While it depends on your medical coverage, there are certain pointers that will help you. Let’s get started by taking a look at these ways:

1.   Check your medicare -If you have medicare part A and medicare part B, you can see any health care provider. However, the costs will surely be lower when you opt for a care from a medicare-approved physician, accepting new patients. In short, you need to take a look at the situations and take them into consideration. This will help you decide whether you need primary care doctors or not. 

2. Know your needs – Looking forward to preventive care and need advice on how you want to lead a healthy lifestyle? Or want to get treated for your common medical conditions? Want to get an urgent condition treated? A primary healthcare practitioner will help you visit the apt place where you can get treatment for your condition. They will also help you refer to medical specialists if needed. Therefore, it is crucial that you know what are your needs or basically, why do you need to see a primary care physician.

3.  Check the specialties – Primary healthcare physicians cater to a number of health issues. You need to check for specialties that you are looking for. There are practitioners who will treat both children and adults of different age groups, interns who will treat adults, ob/gyn who will offer primary care to women who are of the childbearing age, pediatricians who will treat babies, newborns, children and adolescents. There are also nurses and assistants with the best training, who will be at the primary healthcare centers and offer their services.There are also doctors that offer internal medicine, which means treating adults and specializing in the diagnosis, prevention and the management of various diseases or chronic conditions.

 4.  Find out whether they are “in-network” – There are health plans that have negotiated special rates with various physicians and hospitals in an area. This means that you will have to shell out less money as compared to other physicians. There will be no hidden out-of-the-network cost or paying complete amount just because the doctor doesn’t accept the insurance plan.
Looking forward to medicare open enrollment san Antonio? Keep a tab on this space. We will be back with more insightful write-ups!



Thursday 20 September 2018

4 Signs of Unhealthy Eating Habits

Most of the time when you eat, you may think that what you are eating will be absolutely fine for your body. But later, it may lead to discomfort such as bloating or feeling drowsy. These are nothing but signs that you have poor/unhealthy eating habits. Want to know which are similar other signs of improper eating? Here are some pointers that will help you out:

1.       Feeling Gassy – Feeling gassy is one of the tell-tale signs of eating unhealthily and is a result of food, which is not reacting with the friendly-bacteria in the stomach. For instance, if you are not lactose intolerant and are still having flatulence issues after having milk-based products, it can be a result of having eaten the wrong thing (at the wrong time). You may also want to check for gluten intolerance and limit the intake of legumes and carbonated drinks, which are known for causing excess gas.

2.       Feeling Hungry All the Time – Do you have the urge to eat immediately after having eaten your breakfast, lunch or dinner? Well this is the indication that your body is not getting the proper nutrients, which it should. This is often the case when you eat food that is rich in sugar and sodium content, the body gets convinced that you are full. However, these are processed in a speedier manner by the body and leaving you hungrier. To combat this, you can try and drink water before a meal so that you can not just curb your hunger, but also your thirst. This will surely help you aim for weight loss in Qatar or elsewhere.

3.       Fad Diets – Fad diets are on the rise. From Keto to Paleo, these diets work by cutting out certain food or food groups. These lead to a major lifestyle change for you. However, in the long run, these diets will do more harm than good to your body. You can detect the change by observing your mood or how you are becoming more prone to binge-eating on other food, although subconsciously.

4.       Skin Breaking Out – If you are having incessant skin issues such as breakouts, it can be the result of eating unhealthy and not just a lack of hydrating. By keeping a watch over what you eat, you can make a point to include nutrients that are great for the skin. Also, you should cut down on oily and greasy food, carbs and excessive dairy products as these can be the main culprits for an unhealthy skin.

Calling It a Day
These are some of the tell-tale signs that you need to take into consideration. Follow these and control your diet to stay fit and healthy.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

٤ مؤشرات لعادات غذائية غير صحية

رابط  في أغلب الأحيان نعتقد أن ما نتناوله جيد وصحي لأجسادنا. ولكن بعد وقت، قد يؤدي الطعام إلى شعور بعدم الراحة مثل الإنتفاخ أو الشعور بالنُعاس. هذه ليست سوى مؤشرات على أن لديك عادات غذائية غير سليمة وغير صحية. هل ترغب في معرفة المؤشرات الأخرى للعادات الغذائية غير الصحية؟ إليك بعض المؤشرات التي سوف تُساعدك: 

 ١. الشعور بالإنتفاخ - إن الشعور بالإنتفاخ هو أحد المؤشرات الدالة على تناول الطعام بطريقة غير صحية وهو ناتج عن الطعام الذي لا يتفاعل مع البكتيريا الصديقة للمعدة. على سبيل المثال، إذا لم تكن لديك حساسية من اللاكتوز ولا تزال تُعاني من إنتفاخ البطن بعد تناول مُنتجات الحليب، فقد يكون ذلك نتيجة تناولك للشئ الخطأ (في الوقت الخطأ). قد تحتاج أيضاً إلى التحقُق من أن ليس لديك حساسية من الغلوتين وعليك الحد من تناول البقوليات والمشروبات الغازية، والمعروف عنها بالتسبب في زيادة الغازات. 

٢الشعور بالجوع طوال الوقت - هل لديك الرغبة في تناول الطعام مُباشرة بعد تناولك وجبة الإفطار أو الغداء أو العشاء؟ حسناً هذا مؤشر على أن جسمك لا يحصل على المواد الغذائية المُناسبة، والتي يحتاج إليهاغالباً ما يكون هذا هو الحال عندما تتناول طعاماً غنياً بالسكر والصوديوم، مما يُعطي الجسم شعور بالإمتلاء. ولكن، يقوم الجسم بهضمه بسرعة وتشعُر بالجوع مرة أخرى. للتخلص من ذلك، يُمكنك مُحاولة شُرب الماء قبل تناول الطعام للتخلص من الشعور بالجوع، بالإضافة أيضاً إلى التخلص من الشعور بالعطش، وهذا سوف يُساعدك بالتأكيد على فقدان الوزن في قطر أو في أي مكان آخر. 

٣بدعة الحمية - إنتشرت العديد من الحميات الغذائية مؤخراً من "كيتوإلى "باليو"، توصي هذه الأنظمة الغذائية على عدم تناول بعض الأطعمة أو أنواع معينة من الغذاء. هذا يؤدي إلى تغيير نمط الحياة الخاصة بك بنسبة كبيرة. ومع ذلك، على المدى الطويل، فإن هذه الحميات سوف تُلحق أضرار بجسمك أكثر من نفعها. يُمكنك إكتشاف التغيير من خلال مُراقبة مزاجك أو كيف تُصبح أكثر عُرضة لتناول الأطعمة الأخرى لا شعورياً. 

٤إنتشار الحبوب بالبشرة - إذا كنت تواجه مشاكل جلدية متواصلة مع الحبوب، يُمكن أن يكون ذلك نتيجة لتناول الأطعمة غير الصحية وليس مُجرد نقص في الترطيب. من خلال الحرص على مُراقبة ما تأكله، يُمكنك التأكد من تضمين العناصر الغذائية الهامة بالنسبة للبشرة. أيضاً، عليك خفض المواد الغذائية التي تحتوي على الدهون والزيوت والكربوهيدرات ومُنتجات الألبان المُفرطة لأن هذه العناصر يُمكن أن تكون السبب الرئيسي في البشرة غير الصحية. 

في النهاية  
هذه بعض المؤشرات الهامة التي عليك أخذها بعين الإعتبارإتبعها وإحرص على السيطرة على النظام الغذائي الخاص بك وعلى البقاء بصحة جيدة.