Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Some Crucial Before and After-Care Tips for Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is one of the basic methods to get rid of all the unwanted hair on your body. A lot of people opt for it. But there’s a catch. In a hurry to get the best results, they miss some crucial steps, especially when it comes to the before and after-care tips. This can lead to several side-effects for them, irrespective of where they get the treatment done from.

That said, being experts in laser hair removal in San Antonio, certain clnics always make sure that our clients get the finest services without any hiccups. Here’s some of the best before and after-care tips when you opt for this method:

Things to Do Before

  • Avoid waxing and plucking your hair up to 4 weeks before the appointment.
  • It’s necessary that you need to shave 12 hours prior the treatment. This will remove the extra growth amount and also avoid your hair being burnt at the time of treatment. Don’t use any other method of hair removal.
  • Ditch tight-fitting clothes and switch to loose, and preferably cotton clothes. You can bring an extra pair of clothes to change into for the treatment. This will help you comfortably expose the skin to the treatment and give you comfort and relieve you of any irritation post the session.
  • Cleanse your skin of any cosmetics or chemical-laced beauty and skincare products.

Things to Do After

  • No matter what happens, never touch the skin in the treatment area. The area may become red and swollen post the treatment, but when you scratch it, it can cause a scab. This, in turn, can result in scarring.
  • Avoid venturing out in direct sunlight. Even if you do, go for a sunscreen with SPF of 50+ to all the uncovered areas and wear hats and scarves for further protection. Fake tans and solariums are a complete NO.
  • Natural, organic Aloe Vera offers a soothing effect. Apply it all over the treatment area and nowhere else. You can also consult your physician to know what other topical treatment you may opt for.
  • At all costs, avoid visiting your gym, steam room or sauna, Jacuzzi and Swimming pools.
  • Make sure that when you’re showering or bathing, the temperature of water needs to be lukewarm or tepid.
  • Do not exfoliate the treated skin.
  • Try and not apply any makeup when you’ve opted for facial laser hair removal treatments. However, you may opt for mineral makeup. But ideally, you need to give your skin ample time to heal first.
  • Do not carry out any strenuous activities or exercises.

These are just some of the basic precautions that you need to take before and after your laser hair removal in San Antonio sessions.  

Friday, 8 March 2019

Tips for a Successful Breast Augmentation Recovery

Breast augmentation in San Antonio is one of the most preferred form of cosmetic surgery procedures that can help you enhance your overall look. While a lot of surgeons can perform the surgery in the best way possible, you also need to take a few pointers to ensure that the procedure is successful, and you are on the road to recovery quickly. Let us take a look at some of the tips that will come to your rescue:

1.Avoid Heavy Lifting

-First things first, you need to schedule a check-up for your car, before it hits the road. This includes taking it for maintenance and repairs, if any. You need to ask a mechanic to check the oils, coolants, transmission fluids, brake fluids, the windshield wipers and so on and so forth. This will make sure that the car runs smoothly throughout the journey, without breaking down frequently or even better, not breaking down at all.

2.Keep Painkillers Handy

-The next tip is to keep some over-the-counter medications handy, especially if you experience sudden pain or feel nauseous. Alternately, you can also use ice packs to soothe the pain and also, reduce the swelling. Remember, every one’s pain tolerance is going to be different and you may feel a bit of pain following the procedure. But when it lasts for several days in a row, that is when you need to consult the surgeon right away.

3.Let the Implants Set In

-Does the implants feel hard and sit high on your chest? Don’t worry as in the initial stages it is quite normal for this to happen. You need to wait for about three to six weeks and you can see that the final results are incredible. The implants will settle perfectly and the swelling will be NIL.

4.Sleep, Sleep and Sleep Some More

-The next pointer is everything to do with rest. Especially, sleeping for more number of hours. This is one of the ways your body can recover quickly. Make the bedroom a place where you can fall asleep instantly, which means use a comfortable bed, pillows, reduce the lights and go for reading instead of staring at screens a couple of hours before bedtime.

Calling it a Day

These are some of the things that you need to remember before you go for breast enlargement in San Antonio or elsewhere. For more such insightful write-ups, keep a tab on this space. We will be back with more. Cheers!