Showing posts with label skin care treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skin care treatment. Show all posts

Monday, 15 October 2018

مع إقتراب فصل الشتاء - ٦ نصائح لبشرة مُشرقة هذا الموسم

فصل الشتاء وموسم الإجازات في الإنتظار ولكن مع هذا الموسم من المرح تتأثر بشرتك بشكل سلبي. ترغبين في الإستعداد لفصل الشتاء والتأكُد من أن بشرتك تبدو مُشرقة ونضرة دائماً؟ فيما يلي بعض النصائح الخاصة بنا والتي سوف تمنحك بشرة مُشرقة:

١. التنظيف الجيد - أول نصيحة هي تنظيف بشرتك بشكل صحيح على الأقل من ٢- ٣ مرات يومياً. قبل النوم، عليكِ التأكد من توفير التنظيف اللازم أثناء الليل. سيُساعدك إختيار غسول خفيف على مُحاربة الجفاف الزائد، الذي يتسبب فيه فصل الشتاء بشكل أساسي.

٢. التقشير الجيد - تقشير بشرتكِ يُعد أحد العناصر الأساسية للروتين الخاصة بكِ. حيث أنه في فصل الشتاء عليكِ تقشير بشرتكِ مرة واحدة على الأقل أو مرتين في الأسبوع بإستخدام المُنتج المُناسب.

٣. التنغيم - هل تعلمين أن بشرتكِ تميل إلى إفراز المزيد من الزيوت في الشتاء لتعويض الجفاف؟ لذا عليكِ التركيز على تنغيم البشرة في فصل الشتاء، وخاصة إذا كان لديك بشرة دهنية أو مُركبة.

٤. الترطيب - ترطيب بشرتكِ يومياً هو أمر أساسي في فصل الشتاء. إذا كنتِ لا ترغبين في وضع الكريمات الخاصة بفصل الشتاء والتي تتميز بكثافتها. يُمكنكِ إستخدام زيت اللوز أو زيت جوز الهند أو زيت الزيتون البِكر الممتاز لترطيب بشرتكِ بشكلِ مثالي.

٥. جلسات تنظيف البشرة - عليكِ الخضوع لجلسات تنظيف البشرة العميقة والتي تعمل على ترطيبها بشكل خاص. يُمكنك الإعتماد على الوصفات المنزلية مثل العسل والحليب، أو إختيار الجلسة المُناسبة في عيادة الجلدية. هذه الجلسات مُفيدة للغاية نظراً لإن أخصائيو الجلدية في العيادة سوف يُساعدونك على تقييم مشكلات بشرتك وتقديم أفضل العلاجات.

٦. حافظي على ترطيب جسدك - عندما تكون بشرتكِ جافة، سوف يفقد جسدك الكثير من الماء. في هذه الحالة، عليكِ الحفاظ على شُرب الماء والسوائل الأخرى بإنتظام. هذا سوف يُحافظ على رطوبة جسدك وجلدك وشعرك أيضاً..

هذه بعض النصائح الأساسية للعناية بالبشرة في فصل الشتاء والتي ستكون مفيدة للغاية. إذا كنتِ تواجهين المزيد من المشكلات التي تحتاج إلى عناية فورية، عليكِ حجز إستشارة مع إحدى العيادات للعنايةبالبشرة في قطر وبدء العلاج دون تأخير. لمزيد من النصائح حول البشرة ، استمري في مُتابعة هذه المساحة.

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Premature Wrinkles? These are the Reasons Why You are Getting Them!

Wrinkles, fine lines, crow’s feet are the signs of ageing. But some people in their 30s also get them. So where does the age factor comes to play? Nowhere right? These premature wrinkles can be due to many reasons, which include but are not limited to the following:

  • The way you sleep – Do you sleep on your stomach? It may be your preferred sleeping position, but wait, it is costing you something! Stomach sleeping accelerates ageing and hence, you need to sleep on your back as the ideal thing to do. This way, you will wake up every morning wrinkle-free.

  • Sugary snacks – Do you eat a diet high in sugar and low in other forms of nutrients? This can spell trouble in the long run for you as it can lead to aging before you know it. Balance your diet with enough of food such as vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants. This will help you look youthful, radiant and make your skin soft and supple. At the same time, also try and avoid carbs in the diet as they too lead to sugar level increase in the body.

  • Not applying sunscreen regularly – Do you forget to apply the sunscreen or save it only for a sunny day? This is a wrong practice because the sun does more damage to your skin than anything else. Hence, do apply sunscreen every single day with a SPF of 15 and more.

  • Not drinking enough water – One of the mainstays of keeping wrinkles away is to drink about 8-10 glasses of water or more. This will keep you hydrated and also, looking young by keeping dehydration away. Hence, your skin will be more soft, supple and without the fine lines.

  • Polluted environment – Where do you live in the city? Does it have a lot of pollution? If your answer is yes, then probably it is the pollution that is damaging your skin to a major extent. There is little that you can do to change it, but you can go ahead and protect your skin from getting damaged by avoiding the areas or at least cover your face with a scarf in the areas with high levels of smog.
These are some of the things that are causing premature aging, which can be resolved to a major extent with Botox treatment Bahrain or elsewhere. For such informative pieces, keep a tab on this space!!!!

Sunday, 9 September 2018

Hair and Skin Care Tips for Those Who Love Swimming

Swimming is therapeutic. It offers you relaxation after a hard day’s work or during the weekend, when you want to sit by the poolside with your favorite book in hand. But when you swim more often, the chlorine-laced water can prove to be detrimental for your skin and hair. Let us take a look at some of the ways to take care of the same, if you love taking a dip in the pool quite often:

1.       Take a Shower Without Fail Before Diving In – This is the most basic rule for swimmers, but in a hurry to get in the pool, they forget to take a shower. It makes sense to follow this step because it ensures that your skin’s moisture is locked in and the hair shafts are thoroughly hydrated. Moreover, they will absorb less chlorine when you go for a swim.

2.       Condition Your Hair – Conditioning your hair is a must if you want long-term benefits. What you can do for this purpose is deep condition your hair with coconut oil or a hydrating hair mask before you go for the pre-swim shower. The conditioning will help keep the chlorine at bay and will not have any effect on your hair, especially if it is bleached or dyed.

3.       Put the Cap on – No cap is completely waterproof. What you can do is wear a silicone swim cap and dive in the pool. However, you need to ensure that the cap is the perfect size and fits you perfectly.

4.       Drink Water – This may sound silly, but it is one of the best tips that will help your skin and hair in best condition after swimming. Carry a bottle of water and keep sipping it at regular intervals before and after you do a few laps. You will be able to see a drastic difference in your skin’s texture and hair with this simple step.

5.       Go for The Right Products – There are many products available on the market, which can effectively help rinse all the chlorine out of your hair and body. Try some of them to see which ones work best for you. Alternatively, if you get tanned or have skin issues due to this, you can always opt for skin whitening Qatar /elsewhere.

These are some of the top ways you can keep swimming and yet, keep your hair and skin in the best, hydrated condition. If you have any other tips that your fellow swimmers can use, do bring them on!