Tuesday, 14 August 2018

٥ أسباب لإختيار علاج تفتيح البشرة

من منا لا يُريد أن يبدو في أفضل صورة طوال الوقت؟ ولكن بالرغم من ذلك، لا ينعم الجميع ببشرة رائعة وصافية طبيعياً وتبدو شابة بدون عيوب. هذا هو المكان المُخصص للعلاجات الجلدية المختلفة والتي تشمل التفتيح. يُمكنك أن تكتشفي من خلال هذا المنشور الأسباب الرئيسية وراء حاجتك إلى هذا العلاج. إقرأي النقاط التالية للحصول على فكرة أفضل: 

١. يُستخدم لحل لعيوب البشرة: غالباً ما يُعتقد أن علاج تفتيح البشرة مُخصص للأشخاص الذين لديهم بشرة داكنة. ولكن، خلافاً للإعتقاد الشائع، يُمكن أن يكون العلاج فعالاً للغاية عندما يتعلق الأمر بتفتيح البقع الداكنة والكلف وتصحيح عيوب البشرة وإزالة الشوائب وتغيُر لون البشرة وعيوب الجلد المُماثلة. 

٢. هُناك العديد من الخيارات: لا يقتصر تفتيح البشرة على طريقة واحدة فقط. هُناك عدة طرق لضمان أن تبدو البشرة رائعة دون أية مشكلات. علاوة على ذلك، تمتلك العيادات المختلفة مُنتجات وتقنيات مختلفة يُمكنك الإختيار من بينها. على سبيل المثال، هناك خيار مثل مُنتجات التفتيح والتقشير الكيميائي والعلاجات الخاصة الأخرى التي يُمكن أن تضمن نقاء ونضارة وشباب بشرتك. وهذا يأخذنا إلى النقطة التالية. 

٣. الحصول على مظهر أكثر شباباً: هُناك فوائد أخرى مؤكدة لتفتيح البشرة هي أنه يُمكن أن يُساعدك على الحصول على مظهر أكثر شباباً. خاصة إذا كانت بشرتك غير صافية أو تُعانين من التعرض للشمس أو الحمل. كل ما عليكِ فعله هو التحدث إلى أخصائي الأمراض الجلدية وسوف يقوم بفحص بشرتك وينصحك بأفضل علاج لتفتيح البشرة في البحرين للحصول على مظهر مُشرق دون أي علامات للتقدم في العمر على الإطلاق! 

٤. تحويل أضرار الشمس: الأشعة فوق البنفسجية الناتجة عن الشمس يُمكن أن تؤدي إلى عدة مُشكلات جلدية. يُمكن أن تؤدي إلى بعض البُقع على الجلد أو حروق والأسوأ هو التجاعيد والخطوط. علاجات التفتيح لا تساعد فقط على تحويل هذه الأضرار، ولكن أيضاً جعل بشرتك أكثر ثباتاً. 

٥. الحصول على مظهر مُشرق: إن تفتيح البشرة وغيرها من العلاجات الأخرى يُمكن أن تجعل بشرتك مُشرقة على الفور فلن تبدو بشرتك باهتة وشاحبة. الجلد سوف يبدو أكثر نعومة وستحصُلين على مظهر مُشرق ومُضئ كما ترغبين فيه دائماً! ومن ثم إذا كان لديك أي مناسبة وتُريدين الظهور في أفضل حال، فهذه وسيلة من شأنها أن تُساعدك على ذلك! 

فلندعوه يومك! 
هذه بعض الأسباب الرئيسية التي تجعل علاج تفتيح البشرة خيار ممتاز لمن يتطلعون إلى الحصول على بشرة ناعمة ومُدهشة. إذا كنتِ تُريدين أيضاً بشرة مُشرقة وشبابية وخالية من العيوب، فأنتِ تعرفين ما عليكِ فعله!! يُمكنكِ المضي قُدماً والتشاور مع أخصائي الأمراض الجلدية في عيادة جلدية رائدة ومعرفة ما هي الخيارات التي يُمكنك الإستفادة منها. لمزيد من هذه الموضوعات، إحتفظي بعلامة تبويب على هذه المساحة. 

5 Reasons For Skin Whitening Treatment

 Who doesn’t want to look picture perfect all the time? However, not everyone is blessed with naturally amazing skin that has an even tone, no blemishes and looks youthful. This is where various skin treatments come to the rescue including skin whitening. This post explores some of the main reasons why you need the treatment. Read the following pointers to get a better perspective: 

1.      Use it to Cover Imperfections 

 Skin whitening treatment is often thought to be meant for people who have dark skin. However, contrary to the popular belief, the treatment can be immensely effective when it comes to lightening dark spots, melasma, correction of complexion, removing blemishes, discolorations and similar skin imperfections.  

2.      There Are many Options 

 Skin whitening is not just limited to just one method. There are several ways to ensure that the skin looks amazing without any issues. Moreover, different clinics have different products and techniques that you can choose. For instance, there’s the option such as bleaching, chemical peels and other specialized treatments that can ensure that your skin looks fresh, dewy and youthful. This takes us to the next point.  

3.      Look Young 

Another sure-shot benefit of skin whitening is that it can help you look young, especially if you have a skin that is damaged by sun exposure, pregnancy and uneven complexion. All you have to do is talk to skin specialists and they will check your skin and recommend the best skin whitening treatment in Bahrain to ensure that you look radiant with no signs of ageing whatsoever! 

4.      Reverse Sun Damage 

 UV rays from the sun can lead to several skin issues. There can be spots on the skin, sun burn and worse, wrinkles and lines. Whitening treatments not only help reverse these damages, but also make your skin firmer 

5.      Get That Extra Glow 

 Because skin whitening facials and other treatments can instantly brighten your skin tone, you will not look dull and pale. The skin will appear smoother and you will also get that extra glow you always wanted! Hence, if you have any event to attend and want to look drop-dead gorgeous, this is one trick that will help you rock it like a boss! 

          Calling It A Day 

These are some of the main reasons why skin whitening treatments are all rage for people who are looking forward to avail an amazing complexion and skin tone. If you too want a flawless skin that appears bright and youthful, you know what to do!! Go ahead and consult skin specialists at a leading skin clinic and see what are the options that you can avail. For more such write-ups, keep a tab on this space. 

Monday, 13 August 2018

4 Uses Of Baby Wipes For Your Little One


Baby wipes are like a lifesaver for all the mommies out there, aren’t they? These refreshing wipes are a ‘go-to’ for all the mothers to get rid of the messes and ensure your little one’s health and cleanliness. Making multiple uses of these wipes will help in their optimum usage.
Here are some amazing uses of baby wipes for your little one –

1       Hand cleaning

Are you keeping a check on those little palms? Well, the little hands of babies are quite prone to getting all muddy, sticky, and dirty. Baby wipes are an excellent option to keep those hands sparkling clean!
Baby wipes in Dubai and elsewhere come infused with different flavors and scents to ensure that your baby smells good all the times. Baby wipes will help in disinfecting those tiny hands and keep your babies safe and healthy.

2       Face cleaning

You don’t want the smile on your kiddo’s face to seem like a muddy one, do you? Well, considering the fact that children enjoy playing in the outdoors, their faces quickly turn from spotless to messy.
Baby wipes are helpful in cleaning these cute faces after getting all smudged in the mud or dirt. The wipes are gentle on your little one’s face and also provide the necessary moisture. Make sure to wipe off the dirt from your kid’s face and give him an unblemished face again.

        Toy cleaning

Thinking of fostering some good habits in your kids by making use of baby wipes? Well, this fine option has got you covered.
Kids are generally messy players. Having said that, their toys get all dirty after the playtime. You can just hand over a couple of baby wipes to your children and ask them to wipe their toys after the playtime. This will ensure that the child understands the values of keeping his belongings clean and will also foster disinfecting the toys.

        Craft time

Is your kid an art fan and loves to paint and color? Well, it is understood that the walls, the sheets, and his drawing books might be getting all messy after the craft time.
Have no worries, because baby wipes have got you covered! Your little one can use these wipes to clean off his paintings and drawings. Additionally, you too can use them to clean the paint marks on the walls or the furniture. It is a good practice as it ensures that all the items are disinfected and left with a fresh smell.

These top ways to use baby wipes in a different mold will help you and your little ones.


These little tricks will help prevent infections and will always keep your baby smelling fresh. following these simple yet necessary tips will do you good!

Sunday, 12 August 2018

5 Tell-Tale Signs You Need to Consult an Endocrinology Specialist

Hormones have a mind of their own sometimes. They lift your mood, or make you feel down in the dumps. They can make or mar the metabolism and can completely alter your lifestyle. Surely, you want them to function properly and help you live healthy instead of being constantly bothered by them. This is the reason you need to keep a check on the hormone balance. However, when they are off the track, the best course of action is to consult an endocrinology specialist in San Antonio or elsewhere for that matter. Let’s take a look at some tell-tale signs to know whether you need that consultation or not!

1.      It is Difficult to Move Out of Bed in the Morning – The first sign of a hormone imbalance is the struggle to get out of the bed in the morning. This is because some hormones are produced in a specific pattern and when it breaks, you tend to feel dull, sluggish and struggle to complete your daily activities, especially kickstarting the day. If this has been happening a lot with you, it’s time to book an appointment with your endocrinologist.

2.      High-Carb Meal Makes You Sleepy – Do you often feel sleepy in the middle of your work and blame it on the heavy meal you had for lunch? It is quite possible that hormone imbalance is making you sleepy post a meal that contains high levels of carbohydrates. It pinpoints your poor insulin function and needs immediate attention. 

3.      Cravings on Your Mind – The next point is something that a lot of us would relate to and that is having incessant cravings. Leptin is the hormone that helps you keep satiated. But when it is out of order, be prepared to have cravings throughout the day. Hence, when you find yourself snacking a bit too often or ordering food even after having your meals, get yourself tested for a hormone imbalance and get it sorted at the earliest. 

4.      Fat Deposits in Belly -Fat deposits in the belly is not just a result of low exercise or eating way too much. High stress levels are also one of the reasons why you are putting weight in the belly area. Therefore, don’t just ignore it as a sign of normal weight putting on and address it as soon as possible before it goes haywire!

5.      Low Libido – Low libido is another symptom of a hormone imbalance. It can be due to the low levels of hormones that are important for reproduction. Both testosterone and progesterone levels take a hit and affects intimacy between you and your partner. 

These are some of the crucial signs that give away hormone imbalance. An endocrinology specialist will help you resolve them and help you lead a healthy life. Book an appointment today at your nearest clinic and get guided today!