Monday, 10 September 2018

نصائح للعناية بالبشرة والشعر لمُحبي السباحة

لسباحة رياضة علاجية. توفر لك الإسترخاء بعد يوم عمل شاق أو خلال عُطلة نهاية الأسبوع، عند الجلوس بجانب المسبح مع كتابك المفضل في متناول اليدولكن السباحة في أغلب الأحيان يُمكن أن تؤثر على بشرتك وشعرك بسبب الكلور. دعونا نُلقي نظرة على بعض الطرق للعناية بالبشرة والشعر، إذا كنت تُفضل السباحة في المسبح في كثير من الأحيان: 

١الإستحمام قبل السباحة - هذه هي القاعدة الأساسية للسباحين، ولكن في عجلة من أمرهم للوصول إلى المسبح، ينسون الإستحماممن المنطقي إتباع هذه الخطوة لأنها تضمن غلق مسام بشرتك وإمتلاء بُصيلات شعرك أيضاً بالكامل. وعلاوة على ذلك تؤدي إلى إمتصاص كمية كلور أقل أثناء السباحة. 

٢وضع بلسم على الشعر - إن وضع البلسم أو الزيوت على الشعر أمر لابد منه إذا كنت ترغب في الحفاظ على شعرك على المدى البعيد. ما يُمكنك القيام به في هذا الشأن هو وضع كمية من زيت جوز الهند أو قناع ترطيب الشعر قبل الذهاب للسباحة. فذلك سوف يُساعد على عدم تخلل الكلور لشعرك وبذلك لن يؤثر عليه خاصة إذا كان مصبوغ. 

٣إرتداء غطاء الرأس - لا يوجد غطاء مُقاوم للماء تمامًاما يُمكنك القيام به هو إرتداء قبعة السباحة السيليكون والغوص في حمام السباحةوعليك التأكُد من أن الغطاء الذي تستخدمه ذو حجم مثالي ويُناسبك تماماً. 

٤. شُرب الماء - قد يبدو هذا سخيفاً بعض الشئ، ولكنه أحد أفضل النصائح التي سُتساعد بشرتك وشعرك على البقاء في أفضل حال بعد السباحةقُم بحمل زجاجة من الماء وإستمر في تناولها على فترات منتظمة قبل وبعد السباحةستُمكنك هذه الطريقة من رؤية إختلاف جذري في ملمس بشرتك وشعرك. 

٥إختيار المُنتجات المُناسبة - هناك العديد من المنتجات المتاحة في السوق، والتي يُمكن أن تُساعد على نحو فعال في التخلُص من الكلور العالق في الشعر والجسم. قُم بتجربة بعض من هذه المُنتجات لمعرفة أي منها يُحقق أفضل النتائج بالنسبة لك. وبدلاً من ذلك إذا كنت تعاني من تغير لون البشرة أو مشكلة بسبب السباحة، يُمكنك دائماً اللجوء إلى تفتيح لون البشرة في قطر أو أي مكان آخر. 

كانت هذه هي بعض من أفضل الطرق التي يُمكنك من خلالها الإستمتاع بالسباحة والحفاظ على شعرك وجلدك في أفضل حالة بنفس الوقت. إذا كان لديك أي نصائح أخرى يُمكن أن يتم إتباعها أثناء السباحة، قُم بعرضها! 

Sunday, 9 September 2018

Hair and Skin Care Tips for Those Who Love Swimming

Swimming is therapeutic. It offers you relaxation after a hard day’s work or during the weekend, when you want to sit by the poolside with your favorite book in hand. But when you swim more often, the chlorine-laced water can prove to be detrimental for your skin and hair. Let us take a look at some of the ways to take care of the same, if you love taking a dip in the pool quite often:

1.       Take a Shower Without Fail Before Diving In – This is the most basic rule for swimmers, but in a hurry to get in the pool, they forget to take a shower. It makes sense to follow this step because it ensures that your skin’s moisture is locked in and the hair shafts are thoroughly hydrated. Moreover, they will absorb less chlorine when you go for a swim.

2.       Condition Your Hair – Conditioning your hair is a must if you want long-term benefits. What you can do for this purpose is deep condition your hair with coconut oil or a hydrating hair mask before you go for the pre-swim shower. The conditioning will help keep the chlorine at bay and will not have any effect on your hair, especially if it is bleached or dyed.

3.       Put the Cap on – No cap is completely waterproof. What you can do is wear a silicone swim cap and dive in the pool. However, you need to ensure that the cap is the perfect size and fits you perfectly.

4.       Drink Water – This may sound silly, but it is one of the best tips that will help your skin and hair in best condition after swimming. Carry a bottle of water and keep sipping it at regular intervals before and after you do a few laps. You will be able to see a drastic difference in your skin’s texture and hair with this simple step.

5.       Go for The Right Products – There are many products available on the market, which can effectively help rinse all the chlorine out of your hair and body. Try some of them to see which ones work best for you. Alternatively, if you get tanned or have skin issues due to this, you can always opt for skin whitening Qatar /elsewhere.

These are some of the top ways you can keep swimming and yet, keep your hair and skin in the best, hydrated condition. If you have any other tips that your fellow swimmers can use, do bring them on!

Thursday, 6 September 2018


Well, you might have heard of the term ‘primary care’. But are you aware who is and what does a primary care physician in San Antonio and elsewhere do? Primary care is patient-centric service and primary care physicians are the backbone of the medical community, providing the bulk of medical services for the majority of patients.
Want to know more about the primary care physicians? Well, here is all that you need to know –

·  Primary Responsibilities 
The healthy patients that generally come in for the management of injuries, or long-term non-serious illnesses, are generally looked after by the primary care physicians. Having said that, providing regular medical care is the main responsibility of these physicians.
Primary care physician is the first point of contact for many patients and as a result must be able to diagnose a wide range of illnesses. Notably, they are responsible for the preventive care for their patients. They help maintain universal precautions and promote continuity with their patients.
It is their prime responsibility to provide healthcare and checkup in subsidized prices for one and all. Thus, they aim at providing social equality through their services.

·  Necessary skills
Primary care physicians must have a detailed knowledge and experience of all the medical problems and their basic diagnosis. They must be a pro in covering the detailed diagnosis in the least possible time and help the patient feel better.
Accordingly, they must also have excellent communication skills, particularly listening skills, as they must be able to extract the pertinent information from patients who are sick or injured and not at their best. Additionally, they must be compassionate and have a lot of patience. They must be able to foster the seeds of social service by practicing fair and devoted service.

·  Point of entry to medical treatment
Well, if you are of the opinion that the primary care physician will be there for all your medical needs, then you are wrong! As the name suggests, primary care physician provides the primary or the basic treatment to the patients.
Having said that, he is to make referrals to specialists as the patient's condition indicates. The primary care physician is also responsible for managing the overall care of the patient and communicating with the specialist or specialists as needed. Significantly, he can be called as the middleman between the patient and the professional help.

All in all, a primary care physician, should be a qualified, licensed and a kindhearted person who helps out the patients in need.


The central concept to primary care is the ‘patient’. Thus, the physician offering his services must be fully knowledgeable and understanding while treating. Make sure to choose a credible primary care physician for you and your family.

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

4 Simple Tricks To Feed Your Baby Easily

Is the feeding time turning out to be a nightmare for you? Well, it is understood that till the time kids turn to a certain age, feeding your babies can be quite tiring. It can be frustrating if you are having trouble getting them to eat. Worry not, as you are not alone in this rocky boat.

Want to know some fresh ideas to entice your babies into eating well? Well, this list has got you covered. here are the four simple tricks of feeding your baby right –

1.       Buy the right baby care products

Well, the first step to feeding your baby right is to buy all the essential baby care products associated with feeding! Baby care products online like feeding chairs, colorful bowls, spoons, bibs, and a lot more are available to enhance your little one’s eating experience.

Buying these gears will begin your feeding time in the best ways possible. These gears ensure that your baby has a safe and fun place to sit and eat in his own utensils. Make sure to choose the plates and bowls of different shapes and colors, to add some fun to them!

2.       Bombard him with a variety

We too get bored of eating the same food again, right? Well, then why stick to the same diet for your little bub? It is a good practice to introduce variety of foodstuffs for your kid.

You can be creative with the foods you want to try. Set up a routine for every day of the week and introduce new foods every day. This will also help you in figuring out what exactly your little one prefers and enjoys eating. Additionally, you can also give him some fruits and veggies in his snack time to ensure that the essential proteins and vitamins are provided.

3.       Make a mess

Yes, you are reading it right! Well, why limit eating time to being disciplined? Well, your kids will eat faster and without complaining, if you induce some fun and interesting activities during the feeding time!

It is believed that the first step to eating the food right is to enjoy smashing and throwing it. Well, let your kids have their own time with the food. This technique ensures that your kid looks forward to the meal times and eats well. So, go on and make the feeding process a fun and interesting one for both you and your little one!

4.       Eat together

Don’t want to miss out any opportunity of bonding with your bub? Well, here is the best one to bond and connect!

It is a good idea to make the meal times family frenzy. Instead of you feeding the child while working, it is always great to sit with the child and enjoy the meal together. This will also give you some quality time with your entire family and ensure that your kid learns the important values of sharing and caring. Along with this, you can also talk or tell stories to your child while all of you have your food!

All in all, making meal times fun is easier by just experimenting with some new techniques.


Don’t let your kids feeding time stress you out. Instead, have fun during these times, and make the most of it!

Monday, 3 September 2018


Is your skin losing its softness and vibrancy because of a number of factors? Well, don’t be stressed as you are not sailing alone in this rocky boat. Various factors like aging, pollution, unhealthy lifestyle, and so on, contribute to the skin deterioration. As your skin is the mirror to your overall health, having a lifeless skin can cause stressful issues.
All things considered, you need to follow a regular regimen to help maintain the health of your skin. Skin rejuvenation in San Antonio and elsewhere is possible by incorporating simple tips. Here is a rundown of 4 simple tips that you can follow to maintain a fresh and healthy skin –

1.      Stay hydrated
Sip your way to a healthy skin, by drinking lots and lots of water! Yes, water keeps the skin hydrated and helps maintain the glow and elasticity of the skin. Having said that, it helps in combating wrinkles and thus helps you feel younger. Additionally, it also helps in locking the moisture and makes your skin softer.
Drinking at least 4-5 liters of water daily will do you good. It is also a good practice to infuse your regular water with some fruits and veggies to help ensure the freshness and vitamin intake. Lemon is a good antioxidant agent for the skin and adding a lemon slice or two in your water will pave way for a fresh skin!

2.      Limit sun exposure and use a sunscreen
Want to ensure that your vitamin D levels are maintained? Well, a little sun exposure is healthy for the body. However, an extensive exposure to the sunlight and UV rays can damage your skin. as far as tanning is concerned, sun exposure also causes the same along with discoloration and patches on the skin.
All things considered, you need to limit your exposure to the sun as much as possible. Make sure to use a good quality sunscreen that will help prevent sunburns, skin pigmentation, and cancers. Along with this, be sure to use sun protection like hats, caps, and sunglasses and you are good to go!

3.      Eat healthy
A healthy diet is of utmost importance when it comes to following a skin care routine! Nourishing foods that contain healthy fats and proteins is a must to be included in your regular diet. Make sure you include a lot of fresh fruits and veggies, fish, pulses, and nuts and you are good to go!
If possible, cut down on processed sugar and fried foods to help avoid sagging and wrinkles. Along with this, also avoid heavy drinking and smoking. A healthy diet helps in balancing the hormone levels and keeps acne and pigmentation at bay.

Finally, a good night’s sleep and regular exercises will help in maintaining a spotless skin!


All in all, your skin needs regular attention and care to help maintain the health and quality. Following these simple tips will pave for your skin rejuvenation and in no time, you will have a glowing, flawless skin!

Friday, 31 August 2018

4 Must-Haves To Pack In Your Bag For Labor

You have spent the past several months dreaming of finally meeting your baby, right? Well, then it is a must to plan the entire day out, well in advance. When it comes to packing your hospital bag for labor, you need to plan ahead of time. Irrespective of the fact whether you are a seasoned mother or a newbie, it is suggested that you pack your bags in the 8th month of pregnancy to avoid missing out on anything.

Are you stressed out, already? Have no worries. Here is a list of four must-haves that you need to pack in your bag for labor –

1.       Comfort clothes

Packing comfortable clothes for the new mother is of utmost importance when it comes to packing for the delivery time. Although the hospital will provide a gown, it’s nice to wear something of your own during your post-partum stay.

In the light of packing clothes, pack some comfy pajamas and a button-down shirt or a top. Make sure that you are packing extra sets of pajamas as you will be bleeding after the delivery and will be needing them. As far as inners are concerned, make sure to pack relaxing underwear and a feeding bra. It is a good practice to carry a pair or two of socks to help you keep warm and snuggly.

2.       Wet wipes

 Labor and delivery are not as simple as it seems like. But, to make it a little relaxing ride, wet wipes have got you covered!

Once you are done with the delivery, the pain in your private part exists for over weeks. You might also suffer from burns, inflammations, rashes, and infections. All things considered, you need to keep the area down under fresh and clean. It is a good practice to clean your private parts using wet wipes. Many types of wet wipes online are available specifically for postpartum care for a better experience.
You will be too tired to have a bath and keep yourself clean. Thus, wet wipes will act as your lifesaver and lock your freshness and safety.

3.       Pillows and blankets

As you recover from your delivery, you will need the essential support. Well, what are pillows for?
Pillows and blankets are a must-have item in your bag to ensure that you and your newborn are provided some comfort. Hospital pillows and blankets can be dreadful and can cause you discomfort. Thus, it is a must to have your own pillows. Pillows will also provide you the extra comfort while you take some rest and sleep.

Ensure the support and keep yourself warm and happy with the pillows!

4.       Snacks

It is must for you to keep yourself well-fed and hydrated, right? Yes, keeping your stomach full is a must to ensure the health of your baby.

Having said that, make sure to carry some dry munching in your labor bag. It is a good practice to opt for something healthy and light. You can always pack a salad, protein bars, fruits, and some candies to satisfy the after-delivery sweet cravings. Make sure to keep yourself hydrated. Thus, you can also carry smoothies, juices, and ready-to-cook soups.

Eating clean and eating on time will do you good!

What are you waiting for? Start packing your hospital bags and be sure to pack these essentials!


All in all, packing well in advance keeps you well prepared for the time of delivery. Make your labor experience convenient and fun and have a blissful time with your little one!

Thursday, 30 August 2018

Top 3 Types Of Tissue Papers You Should Know About

Who doesn’t love the soft, highly absorbent, and recyclable tissues? Well, tissues are our go-to, every time we want to get something done in our daily schedule. Whether it is cleaning the mess or adding a little glow to our face or surroundings, tissues have got us covered!

But, do you have an idea about how many types of tissues are there? Yes, you are reading it right! There are a lot of type of tissues depending on their purpose. Here is a rundown of top 3 types of tissue papers, you must know about –

1.       Toilet tissue

You cannot even think of living in a world without any toilet papers, right? Well, the most well-known and most used type of tissue is certainly the toilet tissue.

Toilet paper is used for washing and cleaning to help ensure that you are protected from germs and infections. Rolls of toilet paper are used in the restrooms and powder rooms to facilitate the purpose of hygiene and sanitation. It is a good practice to decompose the toilet paper into a septic tank to avoid creating any waste.

2.       Facial tissue

Do you use the regular tissues to clean your face? Well, then it is the time you change that and switch to the tissues specially meant for cleaning your face!

Yes, the good news is that the facial tissues are a thing to clean the face or remove the makeup. Facial tissue in Dubai and elsewhere are highly absorbent, and soft to help prevent any skin rashes or infections. Additionally, they also come infused with different fragrances to promise a glowing, fresh, and good smelling face!

3.       Paper towels

What better than these handy tissues that you can use instantly for cleaning purposes? Paper towels are highly absorbent which helps to soak up the water easily and are used in kitchens, hotels, and even for cleaning of unique things like furniture, vehicles, and your furry friends.

As an essential part of cleaning, they are also used in various kitchens to clean the mess after meals. Paper towels are an excellent substitute to cloth towels as they do not leave any damp patches behind. Cleaning is made easy and fun with the help of these paper towels.

Apart from this, there are also the wrapping tissues that help you in wrapping your small household items. thus, all in all, tissue papers come in different molds to help make our life convenient!


All things considered, these tissues are our lifesavers. So, grab one and you are good to go!