Sunday, 28 January 2018

Hemorrhoid- Types, Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

Hemorrhoid (piles) is a disease formed in anus region when blood vessels in the anus & lower rectum become dilated and form clumps. A patient with this condition suffers bleeding and may face great pain when feces pass through the anus. There are four types of piles which are differentiated by their origin organ:

Internal- Originating inside the rectum (the exit section of the last intestine terminating at anus), one does not necessarily feel these hemorrhoids. They aren't visible but can cause straining and irritation while passing stool which can damage its thin and swollen surface. In worst cases, the straining can push it through the anal opening. Ultimately, the surface can start bleeding with severe pain and irritation.

External- When piles emerge outside the anus, the disease is termed as external hemorrhoid. Its clumps can be commonly seen and felt, creating a lot of discomfort and pain. This type of piles come and goes on their own, however, in majority cases medications are required to eliminate inflammation.

Prolapsed- In this case, internal hemorrhoid extends and protrudes outside the body. Because these extend the anus, underlying nerves suffer great pressure which in turn proves to be extremely painful. These can be pushed back to the rectum with medications, however, until they move the discomfort is uttermost.

 Thrombosed- This category of the disease is identified by prolapsed of external hemorrhoid which has formed a blood clot. Immediate attention is required to cure these types of piles. Otherwise, its intensification, unbearable pain and discomfort can affect you potentially. These are regarded as one of the ugliest forms of piles because they swell, turn blue or purple and burst (in worst cases). 

Signs and Symptoms

·         Bleeding during bowel movements
·         Itching or irritation around anal space
·         Extreme pain
·         Swelling at anus region
·         A sensitive clump near anus

·         Selling, pain, stretching, etc. can develop due to:
·         Straining while passing stool
·         Sitting in toilet for long
·         Constipation or chronic diarrhea
·         Obesity
·         Pregnancy
·         Low fiber diet
·         Anal intercourse

·         Enrich your diet with lots of fibrous food.
·         Drink adequate water and other fluids beneficial to the body.
·         Don't strain or hold your breath while passing stool.
·         Don't revert your stool pressure and go as soon as you urge to.
·         Avoid long periods of sitting stretched (esp. In toilet).
·         Keep your bowels clean and stay away from constipation.

Hemorrhoids Treatment in San Antonio

If you are looking for an expert doctor of hemorrhoids treatment, then consult the specialists of Digestive and Liver Disease, Centerof San Antonio PLLC. They are equipped with advanced technology methods and provide personalized care to each patient. Don't hesitate and book an appointment now.

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